Sunday, December 5, 2010

Grade 4

Starting from now, I'm gonna .........

Dear Diary,
Grade 4 started in September! BUT IT'S ALREADY DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Me and Elsa aren't really best best best friends anymore. 'Cause too bad soo sad we're not in the same class. But, I've got a new teacher, new best freinds, even a new haircut! And new fame!

First of all my teacher is named Sean Bradley. He used to teach grade 5,6,7,and 8, my mom was super crazy about it. She was like,"OH MY GOD! Finally, there's someone that is more experienceple!" Well, she's right. Mr.Bradley is more of an ennn guy! He just stutters, he's been teased and ....

Also, my new best friends are Yewon and Marissa are my new best friends. Marissa and Yewon hate each other but who cares!